Leading European Motor Club (Netherlands)

European Motor Club

Implementation of MedinyX M360 Roadside Assistance
System for a European Motor Club

A leading motor club in Europe was facing challenges in managing their operations effectively and efficiently. The club was relying on manual processes and outdated systems, which resulted in longer response times, increased costs, and decreased customer satisfaction. To address these challenges, the club decided to implement MedinyX M360 roadside assistance software solution to streamline their operations.

Problem Statements

The Club was facing several issues with its existing manual processes, including:

  • Long response times: The club was unable to dispatch assistance quickly due to time-consuming manual process of receiving requests and dispatching help.
  • Increased costs: The manual processes were not only slow but also prone to errors, leading to increased costs and decreased efficiency.
  • Decreased customer satisfaction: Customers were dissatisfied with the long wait times and lack of transparency in the process.
  • No Web / Mobile App: Modern mobile web app needed to ease the customer journey.
Man using roadside assistance app


The objectives of the software implementation project were to

  • Streamline process of receiving requests using MedinyX Mobile B2B, B2C and B2B2C mobile web apps.
  • Automate process of assigning requests & dispatching using MedinyX ERP systems which use latest Microsoft technology and google adaptive algorithms.
  • Reduce tresponse times and increase efficiency.
  • Provide real-time visibility into the status of requests.
  • Improve customer satisfaction by providing a more transparent and efficient process.


The Club decided to implement a custom software solution that would address their specific requirements and challenges. The solution included the following key features:

  • Request Management: A mobile web-app interface for customers to request assistance, including the ability to provide details about their location and the type of assistance needed.
  • Dispatch Management: A centralized dispatch system that would receive requests and dispatch the nearest available provider based on their location and availability.
  • Real-time Tracking: A real-time tracking system that would provide customers with updates on the status of their request and the estimated arrival time of the provider.
  • Reporting and Analytics: A comprehensive reporting and analytics module that would provide insights into the performance of the dispatch team, response times, and customer satisfaction.
Roadside assistance app


The implementation of the software solution involved the following steps:

  • Requirements Gathering: The first step was to gather requirements from stakeholders and identify the key features and functionalities required to meet the objectives.
  • Design and Development: Based on the requirements, a design was created for the software solution, and the development of the custom software solution was initiated.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance: The software was thoroughly tested and validated to ensure that it met the functional and performance requirements.
  • Deployment: The software was deployed in a phased approach, starting with a pilot program, and gradually rolling it out to all locations.
  • Training and Support: The club provided training and support to its employees and customers to ensure a smooth transition to the new software solution.
Roadside assistance software dashboard


The software implementation project was a success, and the club achieved its objectives. The results included:

  • Faster Response Times: The new software solution significantly reduced response times, resulting in a better experience for customers.
  • Increased Efficiency: The centralized dispatch system, real-time tracking, and reporting and analytics features helped the club to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: The real-time tracking and transparency of the process resulted in improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.
RSA Result

The MedinyX M360-RSA software implementation project for the Motor Club was a success and delivering significant benefits to the club and its customers. The MedinyX software solution provided a more streamlined and efficient process, resulting in faster response times, increased efficiency, and improved customer satisfaction. The implementation project demonstrated the expertise of MedinyX Team, their Know-how, their highly capable system and power of technology in addressing challenges in the Roadside Assistance club and delivering better outcomes for all stakeholders.